We have a few different ways that you can pay your drainage invoice:
Pay in Person
You can make payments by way of cash, cheque, debit or money orders in person at the Township Office at 31940 Highway 3, Wainfleet. AFTER HOURS payments in the form of a cheque or money order (clearly marked with roll number & address) may be dropped in the Township mail slot located at the front entrance.
Pay by Mail
Mail your cheque or money order making sure you allow enough time for the payment to be received before the due date. The payment date is the date when we receive the payment at our office.
Mail cheques or money orders to :
Township of Wainfleet , 31940 Highway 3 PO Box 40, Wainfleet, ON L0S 1V0
Pay Online or at your Financial Institution
Pay your drainage bill at your financial institution or by using your online banking. Simply add the Township of Wainfleet as a “payee” and use your 19 digit roll number as your account number (do not use spaces, dots or dashes).
Pay by Credit Card
You can make online credit card payments through Paymentus, a third-party automated payment service that accepts Visa or MasterCard. Please note that you will be charged a 2.5% service fee by Paymentus.