Building and Renovating

On these pages, you will find information regarding the permit process associated with all types of building applications, houses, farm buildings, garages, sheds, decks and septic systems. Follow the links to the right to access information about Building Permits, Development Charges, Inspections, Municipal Addressing and Septic Systems.

The Building Department does not provide design or construction advice. The owner/builder is responsible to follow the requirements of the Ontario Building Code. It is recommended that applicants enlist the services of design professionals to aid in the preparation of the required documents for a building permit.

Apply for your Permit Online!

Wainfleet Township is pleased to offer residents, builders, and the business community CityReporter- an online system to apply for and track your building permits.

The CityReporter building permit system allows you to apply for and to see the status of your application anywhere, at any time. You can start an application and finish it later, and receive updates on the status of your permit application. You can even request inspection appointments!

Please apply for building and septic permits separately.

To start your permit application process click CityReporter.

For assistance using the online permit application tool please click CityReporter Guide.