Municipal water and sewer services do not exist in the Township of Wainfleet. Instead, residents rely on private wells and cisterns. There is also a privately owned local water utility company, Long Beach Water Works, providing drinking water to approximately 300 residents located on the shores of Lake Erie.
Boil Water Advisory in Effect
All properties located in the area south of the Trans Canada Trail (former CN railway) and extending to the Lake Erie shoreline in the Township of Wainfleet are presently under a Boil Water Advisory, issued by Niagara Region Public Health on April 10, 2006. Individuals drawing drinking water from wells in this area are at risk.
This advisory does not include properties serviced by Long Beach Water Works and properly maintained drinking water systems, where regular tests confirm the water is free from contaminants.
Water Testing
Test water from wells, cisterns or other sources seasonally. The Township of Wainfleet Municipal Offices are a designated pick-up and drop-off location for Niagara Region water quality testing kits. Empty sample bottles can be picked up at any time that Town Hall is open. Bottles containing sample water can be returned during normal office hours Monday through Thursday, 8:30-4:30, and no later than 9:00 am on Friday. You can also test your private water system through private licensed labs in Ontario. For more information, call the Niagara Region info-line at 905-385-5379 or 1-866-282-7376.
Well Construction
Wells must be constructed in accordance with the Wells Regulation 903 made under the Ontario Water Resources Act and completed by licensed well contractors and technicians. The Wells Regulation places legal obligations on the well owner to meet certain requirements dealing with non potable water, mineralized water, natural gas and construction issues and well abandonment. To find a licensed well contractor please visit the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks directory of licensed contractors.
Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks - Water Supply Wells Technical Bulletins
Ministry's Wells Help Desk: 1-888-396-9355 (Toll-Free, Ontario residents only) or email
Well and Cistern Maintenance
Niagara Region provides very useful information regarding Well and Cistern Maintenance for residential settings.