Garbage and Recycling

The collection of garbage and recycling is dependent on the location of where you live within the Township. You can find your collection day by entering your address on the Region's "Find Your Collection Day and Pick-up Details" page. Here you will also find information on garbage bag limits, garbage tags, exemptions, large item disposal and missed collections.

Your Blue Box, Grey Box and Green Bin are collected every week. Garbage is collected every-other-week.

Recycling Transition

As of Jan. 1, 2024, Circular Materials' contractors will provide customer service for inquiries related to residential Blue / Grey Box recycling collection. Wainfleet residents with questions about Blue / Grey Box recycling should contact the designated contractor:

GFL Environmental Inc. 1-855-769-3760

Niagara Region will maintain collection of curbside garbage, large household items, organics (Green Bin) and leaf and yard waste.

Landfill and Hazardous Waste Depot Locations

While the Township of Wainfleet does not have a location within the municipality, the Region has several landfill locations in Niagara where you may bring your waste. The Region also has four hazardous waste depot locations. You will also find a list of acceptable materials here.

Battery Recycling

Drop off your regular household batteries in the bin provided by Raw Material Company which is located in the entrance of our offices at 31940 Highway 3, Wainfleet. Niagara Region also has several recycling depots and also provides curbside battery collection.