There are various Fire, Carbon Monoxide hazards that can create risks to Life Safety. Learn about ways to identify and prevent those hazards from becoming a threat.
A candle is an open flame, which means that it can easily ignite anything that can burn and lead to home fires. For safe alternatives consider battery powered candles and emergency flashlights. For more information download National Fire Protection Associations (NFPA) Candle Safety Tip Sheet.
Carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas that you cannot smell or taste and is known as the "Silent Killer". Co is produced by the incomplete combustion of fuels. For more information visit Hawkins-Gignac Foundation for CO Education.
Cooking fires are the number one cause of home fires and home injuries. The leading cause of fires in the kitchen is unattended cooking. For more information and tips on safe cooking visit National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Cooking Safety in the Home and Electrical Safety Authority (ESA)
Electricity can make our lives easier, don't allow it to become a potential fire-related hazard. View National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Electrical Safety in the home for toolkits, checklists and safety tip sheets.and the Electrical Safety Authority (ESA)
Portable and backup generators are useful during power outages, however, many homeowners are unaware that the improper use of portable generators can be risky. The most common dangers associated with portable generators are carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning, electrical shock or electrocution, and fire hazards. According to a 2013 Consumer Product Safety Commission report, half of the generator-related deaths happened in the four coldest months of the year, November through February, and portable generators were involved in the majority of carbon monoxide deaths involving engine-driven tools.
Nearly half of all home heating fires occur in December, January and February; ensure your home heating systems are clean to prevent seasonal fire hazards. For a heating safety tip sheet and community toolkit, visit National Fire Protection Association's Heating Page.
Smoking materials are the #1 cause of fire deaths. Follow these simple Smoking Safety Tips to prevent a smoking-related fire in your home.
Never smoke in bed, when drinking or taking medication that can cause drowsiness.
Always use large, deep ashtrays on a sturdy table.
Before you throw out butts and ashes, make sure they are out, and dousing in water or sand is the best way to do that.
Check under furniture cushions and in other places people smoke for cigarette butts that may have fallen out of sight.
Never smoke in a home where oxygen is being used
Keep matches and lighters up high, out of children's sight and reach.
When possible, smoke outdoors.
Be alert! To prevent a deadly cigarette fire, you must be. You won't be alert if you're sleepy, have been drinking, or have taken medicine or other drugs.
Install a photoelectric Smoke Alarm above your favourite place to smoke. If you have a fire you will get the early warning you need to escape.
The best way to prevent smoking fires is to quit. For help with that visit Thinking About Quitting.