The Minimum Distance Separation Formulae and Guidelines were created by the Province to minimize land use conflicts between sensitive land uses and livestock facilities. The MDS setback distances shall be met prior to the approval of:
Zoning bylaw amendments;
Official plan amendments;
Building permits for dwellings;
Building permits for new livestock facilities and alterations to existing livestock facilities;
Agriculture-related uses or on-farm diversified uses.
There are two types of MDS setbacks - MDS I and MDS II. Calculations are done through the AgriSuite program and are based on the type and amount of livestock within a livestock facility.
The MDS I formula determines the setbacks between proposed development and existing livestock facilities. You must meet the MDS I setback distance prior to the approval of proposed lot creation, rezoning or redesignation of land, residential building permits and agriculture-related uses or on-farm diversified uses.
If you require assistance with the calculation, please complete the MDS I Guide & Data Collection Form and return to the Planning Department.
The MDS II formula determines setbacks between new, enlarged or renovated livestock facilities and other existing or approved development. You must meet the MDS II setback distance prior to the approval of a building permit for a new or altered livestock facility that is greater than 10m2 in size or any anaerobic digester.
If you require assistance with the calculation, please complete the MDS II Guide & Data Collection Form and return to the Planning Department.