The Township is home to two (2) public beaches along the north shore of Lake Erie at Reebs Bay and the Regional Beach, as well as two (2) beaches within properties managed by the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority (NPCA).
Vehicle parking in beach areas is limited and our Parking By-law is strictly enforced. Please pay close attention to your surroundings. There are signs to clearly indicate where parking is prohibited. It is your responsibility to ensure you park legally and safely. Parking in prohibited areas will result in significant monetary penalties and may also include the towing of vehicles.
Please follow all public health recommendations to limit the spread of COVID-19 in our community.
In May of 2022, Township Council enacted the Lakeshore Access Property By-law, to protect, prohibit, regulate and control municipally-owned properties providing lakeshore access. If you plan to visit any of these properties please refer to this by-law to understand the requirements in these areas.
Beach Water Quality Testing
Niagara Region inspects public beaches to determine if the water is safe for swimming. Summer Beach Water Quality Testing results are posted between Victoria Day and Labour Day each year.
Public Beaches
Conservation Areas
Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority (NPCA) operates beaches at these parks: